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Annual meetings, electoral roll and PCC

The annual meetings for St Andrew's were held on Sunday 28th April 2024 at 11.15am after the morning service.

Electoral roll

The electoral roll is the list of people entitled to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), but it's also a useful way to identify as a member of the congregation. The electoral roll is closed for revision now, but forms to join are in church and are available to download from this site: you are welcome to fill in a form at any time ready for the next revision.


The PCC (Parochial Church Council) is the body that, with the Vicar, steers the life of the church in its mission, witness and service in the parish. Its role is governed by church land charity law, as PCC members are in effect trustees of the charity which is St Andrew’s church. The PCC meets once every month or two at 7pm for no more than 2 hours to discuss matters affecting the life of St Andrew’s church. If you want to find out more about being on the PCC, please contact Sally. You can download a description of the role of a PCC member here and a nomination form to join the PCC here.


We will elected 1 churchwarden and 4 new or returning PCC members.

More about the meetings

There are two annual meetings. The first, the Annual Meeting of Parishioners is open to everyone who lives in the parish and is primarily for the election of churchwardens. The second, the Annual Parochial Church Meeting is open to those on the electoral roll and elects PCC members. It is also a forum for the presentation of reports from different aspects of church life, notably the financial report and the incumbent's report.

You can read the annual report featuring the agenda for the 2024 meetings and the minutes from last year's meetings here

You can find an information pack about Children and Communion for discussion at the APCM here

You can read our core purpose and plans for building on it in the next few years here.

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