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News from St Andrew's

Our news comes in two forms - Parish News, our online parish magazine and the email newsletter. The latest newsletter from 3 July is below:  you can subscribe here and see past issues here.

The Parish News is available from the links alongside.

As summer finally arrives, there are several opportunities over the summer to pause and reflect on  hospitality, on forgiveness and on our own mortality.  Please read on for details of how you can engage in any of these topics.  I’d also love to welcome you to the annual church Barbecue on Friday 19th July.  I am hopeful it will not be as wet as last year and our burgers and sausages might be accompanied by croquet! 

God bless,

Sally Robertson, Vicar, 07588594410

Church and churchyard tidy morning
Saturday 6 July 9.30am - 12.30 pm
The next opportunity to show some loving care to our churchyard and church building this year is Saturday 6 July 9.30am-12.30pm. Come along for as much time as you can spare and we will find you a job
Church Barbecue 
Friday 19 July at 6pm
All are welcome to the vicarage, 15 Rackham Close, SN25 2QT for a barbecue.

Please bring a salad or a desert.  
Deepening our Hospitality
One of our greatest strengths at St Andrew’s and priorities for this year is our hospitality.  We will be exploring what the Bible says to us about hospitality at all our services from 7th July – 11th August.  To help us think through how we deepen our hospitality there are some questions to think about each week.  Please pick up a leaflet in church or visit 
Are you Well-prepared?
Though it may not be our favourite topic for discussion, it makes sense to give our own death some thought, to make sure we are properly prepared.  During August,  Sally will be running 4 discussions using ‘The Well prepared’ course and looking at the practicalities of dying (eg wills and funerals); the process of dying (palliative and spiritual care) and what happens after death.  If you are interested in taking part please contact Sally so we can arrange a mutually convenient time.
Community Wall Hanging
St Andrew’s Church is a beautiful building and a congregation of people rooted in our local community.  To reflect this, we are planning a new wall hanging and we would love you to take part.  The hanging will depict a tree, with each leaf representing a different individual or family in our community.  So please find a piece of fabric which is special to you and an entry form, either on the bookcase at the back of church or downloaded from here
Lunch Club
The next meeting of the lunch club will be on Wednesday 17th July. If you would like to join please contact Sally Lawson
Bible Book Club
Bible book club is taking a break for the summer, giving you plenty of time to prepare for our next meeting on Monday 9th September at 7pm in church.  We will be looking at what the Bible has to say about Forgiveness.  There is a list of Bible readings and some questions to help you consider this available on paper in church or on-line at

Dates for your diaries

Saturday 14th September – Heritage Open Day and Community Lunch 

Sunday 6th October Harvest Festival at 10am Children’s Service and 6pm Holy Communion 



Services and events in July
All 10am services in church and on video -
others in church only unless otherwise specified

Saturday 6 July
9.30am-12noon Church and churchyard tidy
Sunday 7 July
10am Children's Service
 6pm Holy Communion
Monday 8 July
2.30pm Songs of Praise Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road
Wednesday 10 July
11am Coffee, Prayer and Chat 
Sunday 14 July
10am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom

Wednesday 17 July
12.30pm Lunch club venue TBC
Friday 19 July
6pm Church barbecue 15 Rackham Close
Sunday 21 July
10am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
Monday 22 July
2.30pm Holy Communion Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road
Wednesday 24 July
11am Coffee, Prayer and chat
Sunday 28 July
10am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom

Sunday 4 August
10am Children's Service
6pm Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) in church only

On those weeks when there is not an evening service at St Andrew’s we are offering Evening Prayer on Zoom at 6pm. Please join us from a computer, smartphone or tablet: by phone, 0208 080 6592 and enter 813 6651 6924 # when asked.

Please note we are now using the common chalice again for receiving wine in Communion services.  If you do not feel comfortable with this, you are welcome just to receive the bread.
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