Our news comes in two forms - Parish News, our online parish magazine and the email newsletter. The latest newsletter for September is below: you can subscribe here and see past issues here.
The Parish News is available from the links alongside.
Welcome to our September newsletter! September has become the month when we celebrate the history of our wonderful church building, so we hope you will be able to join us on Saturday 14 September, to hear how the Victorians celebrated the renewed building and other stories. There will be activities for children and refreshments for all ages. Lots of other opportunities to visit St Andrew’s in September and into the Autumn too, so please read on for more details.
God bless,
Sally Robertson, Vicar revd.sally.robertson@nschurch.org.uk, 07588594410
1 September at 10am
We are very excited to be opening church again on Saturday 14th September from 10am-4pm to welcome people to hear about the history of our building and the people who worshipped and are buried here. There will be talks by local experts on the history of the church and churchyard, in stained-glass windows and the stories of the families buried here. There will also be family-friendly activities, games and crafts. Refreshments will be served all day with lunch from 12-1.30pm. ALL FREE!
Can you volunteer to help on the day?
It would be great to have plenty of helpers for different times during the day for refreshments, children’s activities and the car park to ensure we welcome our visitors well. We will also be delivering flyers to local streets in advance and will need help with that too.
Please let Karen or Sally know if you can help and if you have a preferred job.
Saturday 14 September
Wednesday 18 September at 12 noon
Saturday 7 September 9.30am-12.30pm
Dates for your diaries
Sunday 6 October - Harvest Festival at 10am Children’s Service and 6pm Holy Communion
Friday 11 October - 7pm Harvest Supper and Quiz
Sunday 27 October - 10am Right Reverent Viv Faull, Bishop of Bristol will be leading and preaching at Holy Communion.
All 10am services in church and on video -
others in church only unless otherwise specified
Sunday 1 September
10am Children's Back-to-school Service
6pm Holy Communion
Monday 2 September
2.30pm Songs of Praise Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road
Wednesday 4 September
11am Coffee, Prayer and Chat
7pm PCC at 15 Rackham Close
Saturday 7 September
9.30-12.30 Church and churchyard cleaning and gardening
Sunday 8 September
10am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Sunday 8 September
10am Holy Communion
Monday 9 September
7pm Bible Book Club
Sunday 15 September
10am Morning Prayer
6pm Evening Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
Monday 16 September
2.30pm Holy Communion Ridgeway Rise, Richardson Road (Revd Rach Collins)
Wednesday 18 September
11am Coffee, Prayer and chat
12 noon Lunch club venue TBA
Sunday 22 September
10am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer on Zoom
Sunday 29 September
10am Morning Prayer according to the Book of Common Prayer
Sunday 6 October
10am Children's Harvest Festival service
6pm Harvest Holy Communion in church only
On those weeks when there is not an evening service at St Andrew’s we are offering Evening Prayer on Zoom at 6pm. Please join us from a computer, smartphone or tablet: http://bit.ly/StANS by phone, 0208 080 6592 and enter 813 6651 6924 # when asked.
Please note we are now using the common chalice again for receiving wine in Communion services. If you do not feel comfortable with this, you are welcome just to receive the bread.