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April 2020 News



Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, following Church of England advice, all services and events in the church have been cancelled. Services and meetings will take place online via Zoom or Skype. The church website will show when the next event is and how to join.

Temporary suspension of monthly news

Because of the current circumstances it doesn't seem appropriate to continue with the monthly news post for the moment.

Instead, please make sure that you sign up to St Andrew's news email, which is currently going out weekly. All the information from this is also available on the News section of the website.


Wider World

A message from the Bishop of Bristol


Family worship resource

Dan Jones, Youth and Children's Adviser for the Bristol Diocese, is writing a 30-minute family worship and prayer time resource each week. The resource, for children aged from toddler to teenager, will include reflections, activities and prayers for you to follow as a family. The first for the week beginning 29 March is available here.


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