We are delighted that you decided to have your child baptized at St Andrew's and here are some ideas to help you keep the promises you made at the Baptism.
Bringing your child up in the Christian Faith
Things you might do:
Say a simple Grace before a family meal once a week or so and especially at Christmas and Easter
For example: Thank you for our food, bless us as we eat and help us to remember those who are hungry today. Or Rub a dub dub, thank God for our grub. You can buy 'grace' dice with 6 different mealtime graces.
Say a prayer each night as you put your child to bed (for example: thank God for the day, pray for family members and anyone in need, anything they want to ask God about); teach your child the Lord's Prayer.
Take your child to church when you can and especially to a children's service or when there is special provision for children. We are very child friendly at St Andrew's Church see our Services and Prayer page. If you move away from North Swindon it's easy to find another church to attend: the website www.achurchnearyou.org will show you the churches closest to your postcode.
Explore websites designed to help you worship as a family at home, for example https://www.churchofengland.org/faith-action/faith-home
Talk to your child about his or her baptism and show them the photos and Baptism card. There are further ideas at www.churchofenglandchristenings.org/after-a-christening
Light their Baptism candle on the anniversary of their Baptism and make the anniversary of their Baptism special, eg with a cake, card, small gift.
Read a Bible story to them on a regular basis. Books on bible stories are also available, and as they get older thare are age related bible reading notes. We use the Big Bible Storybook published by Scripture Union and the Beginner's Bible published by Candle Books. You might also like to visit The Rainbow Bookshop just off Regent Street in Swindon or The Lighthouse Bookshop in Highworth who have a good range of Christian books for children.
Celebrate the church seasons eg Lent, Easter (Hot Cross Buns, Easter Eggs), Harvest, Advent (Advent calendars have both chocolate and religion these days), Christmas - don't forget Jesus, it is not just about Santa!
Charity Jar: collect pennies in a jar and choose a charity, as a reminder of how Christians can care for others.
Think about your own faith: how you live out your faith is crucial in helping your child understand what the Christian faith is about.
Opportunities for learning about the Christian Faith: we have regular discussion group and if you are interested in being confirmed or a refresher course, speak to one of the clergy.
Community/Church groups which are child friendly, We have Coffee, Prayer and Chat on at least the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 11am. Children are always welcome. See our calendar for exact dates.