Recorded sermons from St Andrew's, North Swindon. Since 2 August these have been recorded as video - you can see the video sermons here.

Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Sermon 20 June 2021 Sally Robertson 20th June 2021 15.05 MB
Sermon given at St Andrew, North Swindon based on Mark 4: 35-41
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Sermon for Easter Day 4 April 2021 Sally Robertson 4th April 2021 6 MB
Sermon for Easter Day 4 April 2021
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Sermon Epiphany 3 Sally Robertson 24th January 2021 6.86 MB
Sermon on Genesis 14: 17-20 and John 2: 1-11
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Sermon St John the Apostle and Evangelist Sally Robertson 27th December 2020 7.75 MB
Readings: 1 John 1 and John 21 verses 20 -end
Title Preacher Date Recorded File Size
Sermon Sunday Next Before Advent 2020 Phil Ashby 22nd November 2020 6.19 MB
Sermon for Sunday Next Before Advent, based on Matthew 25, 31-end
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