As you may be aware, we have currently suspended Church at Tadpole Garden Village while we seek God’s guidance as to how we should engage in TGV. There are various things we could do, but before investing energy in any of them we want to be sure that we are doing God’s will. So, PCC would love you to join in the new prayer initiative to ask God to guide us in our engagement with Tadpole Garden Village and beyond.
- Please set an alarm for 4pm every Sunday afternoon and where ever you are pray for God to guide us.
- You might like to pray the words of Psalm 25.
- If you are in the parish and free, why not walk around streets local to you and ask God to show you how he sees our parish.
- Or use this prayer ““Show us your ways, Lord, teach us your paths. Guide us in your truth and teach us, for you are God our Saviour, and our hope is in you all day long. Show us how to help you build a Christian Community within Tadpole Garden Village and how to meet the needs of busy families and others who want to connect with you.
On the 2nd Sunday of most months you can join others in person to pray at 4pm at 15 Rackham Close eg 8th March, 10th May. Please feed back any impressions or answers you have via email or text and let Sally know if you would be interested in joining a whatsapp prayer group. 07588594410